WHEN CAPITAL CITY CONSULTING WAS FOUNDED IN 2003, the goal was to build an organization with equal strength in policy and politics, in communications and connections, and in access and advocacy. Founders Nick Iarossi, Ron LaFace, Gerald Wester, and Pat O’Connell envisioned a public affairs and Florida consulting firm comprised of the most talented individuals in their respective fields, where each is more accomplished than the next, and where their drive to win means they never give up on their clients’ goals.
Over the years, that bold vision has catapulted Capital City Consulting into Florida’s top tier of lobbying firms.
“We’ve been successful because of our talented, hard working team.”
-Ron LaFace, Founder
Out think. Out hustle. Out perform.
WHEN YOU DIVE DEEPER INTO ISSUES, are more diligent in preparation, and just plain work harder, an amazing thing happens—you end up with very, very happy clients. Our Florida consulting team works around the clock to give our clients the best shot at success. It’s been part of our DNA from the beginning and it plays a huge roll in our success as a crisis management firm today.
But don’t just take our word for it.
In recent years, we’ve been named “Lobbying Firm of the Year” by Influence Magazine and featured in Florida Trend’s “Florida’s Biggest Lobbyists: Turning Up the Heat”. Members of our team have been recognized as the best lobbyists in the appropriations, insurance, emergency management, and gaming sectors in multiple publications, while others have been recognized by the Florida Standard as leading Florida lobbyists overall. Our expertise is deep, our access is broad, and our competition is scant.

“I have rarely encountered a lobbying firm as effective as Capital City Consulting. Simply one of the best.”
—Paul Russinoff, VP State Government Relations, Visa
“The folks at Capital City Consulting function not just as consultants or lobbyists, but as wise, trusted colleagues.”
—Donal O’Shea, President, New College of Florida
“Success in Tallahassee requires having an outstanding team and Capital City Consulting is just that—outstanding.”
—Eric Eikenberg, CEO, Everglades Foundation
“Capital City Consulting understand the needs of a worldwide company…their service and attention to detail is one of a kind.”
—Andy Abboud, VP Government Relations, Las Vegas Sands Corp
“I am constantly impressed that they find solutions for us regardless of the agency involved or nature of the issue.”
—Jay Smith, Owner, Ajax Building Corporation
“I’ve been in the legislative arena for over 25 years and Capital City is one of the best firms I have worked with.”
—Joe Augustus, Senior Vice President, Swisher International, Inc.
“Their strong reputation is well deserved. I appreciate the experienced counsel Capital City Consulting provides.”
—Barbara Ray, North Highland, Vice President and Global Public Sector Lead
“The team at Capital City Consulting has gone above and beyond our needs every step of the way. I have complete trust in their team and would highly recommend their services to any company looking to accelerate growth within the educational sector. This has certainly been the best experience I have had with a consulting firm in my 17 years of experience.”
—Lauren Little, CEO Education, Trinity Education Group